Top real estate agents in West San Jose

Looking for a top real estate agent in West San Jose to sell your house? We've curated unique agent insights and critical criteria to help you find the best realtor for your needs. Explore top agent profiles, real estate agent reviews, essential tips, and more!

Top real estate agents in West San Jose, San Jose, CA.

How we find the best West San Jose real estate agents

To find the top realtors in West San Jose, we first identify which professionals have selling experience in the neighborhood over the last three years. We then consider the following criteria for the qualifying agents:

Icon of a 'Sold' sign placed in front of a house, representing relevant experience in the West San Jose real estate market.

Relevant selling experience

Possesses local market expertise through a history of successful home sales in West San Jose.

Icon with two vertical arrows pointing in opposite directions, symbolizing the focus on singular representation to avoid dual agency conflicts in a real estate transaction.

Low dual agency

Demonstrates a commitment to prioritizing a seller's best interests by primarily representing the seller (and not the seller and buyer in the same transaction).

Icon of three stars, indicating a top-rated real estate professional with high client satisfaction.


Reflects a proven track record of positive feedback from selling clients.

Icon showing three houses side by side, symbolizing extensive experience and a high number of successful home sales.

Total home sold

Indicates extensive experience and success in navigating the home selling process.

Why is finding a West San Jose realtor with a low dual agency rate so important?

Selecting a real estate agent in West San Jose who avoids acting as a dual agent significantly increases the likelihood that your agent will prioritize your best interests. Dual agency, which is legal in the California real estate sector, occurs when one agent represents both the buyer and seller in the same transaction. While some home sellers are comfortable with this arrangement, it can raise concerns about conflicts of interest, as it’s nearly impossible for the agent to secure the best deal for both parties. An agent’s dual agency rate not only signifies their commitment to their client's interests but also reflects their professional integrity and character.

For example, the transaction data we analyzed shows that over the last three years, 66 real estate agents have sold 75 homes in West San Jose where they've represented both parties. 16 of those homes sold for an average $66,998 below the listing price, increasing the agent's commission but reducing the seller’s proceeds. The top real estate agents in West San Jose who meet our screening requirements have a proven track record of helping their clients avoid situations like this.

Learn more about the risks of choosing an agent with a history of dual representation by reading our guide on dual agency.

Tips for choosing a West San Jose realtor to sell your home

Selecting the right real estate agent is key to a quick, profitable sale versus a lengthy, frustrating experience.

Here are a few things to keep in mind to help you choose the best West San Jose real estate agent to sell your house.

1. Be aware of an unrealistic list price

Setting the right price for your home is crucial. List your property too high and you’ll discourage serious buyers from wanting to see it. Price it too low and you could lose out on potential profit. The problem? Some listing agents will recommend an inflated price in order to secure your business –– or recommend a price well below market value so they can market themselves to other homeowners in West San Jose after the property has sold above the asking price.

You can reduce the chances of this happening by inquiring about a realtors’ sold-to-list price ratio. Over the last three years, the best-performing real estate agents in West San Jose have an average ratio of 109%. This figure is a reliable benchmark for the city’s recent housing market, reflecting a balance between realistic pricing and maximizing returns for sellers. So be cautious of West San Jose listing agents you speak to whose ratios are significantly higher or lower than this number. Remember, the true value of your home is what buyers are prepared to pay. And if that price is high, then a great real estate agent will use their pricing expertise to secure it for you.

2. Don't get locked into a contract

In California, home sellers sign a listing agreement with the agent they hire. The agreement typically lasts about six months (negotiable), is exclusive between the homeowner and their realtor, and lacks a provision for a seller to hire another agent without owing any commissions. This essentially "guarantees" the listing agent’s commission, regardless of their performance. The consequence? Your home might stay on the market longer than necessary, or sell for less than its potential value.

That’s why it’s important to ensure that the West San Jose agent you pick will allow you to cancel the contract at any time without owing any real estate commissions. Having the option to cancel will keep your realtor motivated because it’s a subtle reminder that they need to prioritize getting your house sold quickly and for the best price. Part of our screening process includes this flexibility, ensuring you partner with a trustworthy real estate agent who is committed to putting you first.

3. Avoid revealing your bottom-line price

Disclosing your minimum acceptable price to a realtor before hiring them can inadvertently limit your negotiation power. Your bottom-line price is a strategic piece of information that, if revealed too soon, may lead to a lower recommended asking price or weaker negotiations with potential buyers. By keeping this number private, you’ll get a more accurate opinion about the estimated value of your property and empower your agent to negotiate more effectively on your behalf. So if a prospective agent asks you if you have a minimum number you’d like to sell for, keep it to yourself and reply with something such as, “as high as possible.” For a more in-depth look at what information to withhold and why, check out our detailed blog post on what not to tell a realtor when selling .

Resources to pick the best realtors in West San Jose, CA

Need more help deciding which West San Jose real estate agent you should hire? Here are a few resources we’ve put together to help make the decision-making process easier.

Key qualities of top real estate agents in West San Jose

The real estate agents above work with different types of clients, have different strategies, and possess a diverse range of personalities.

However, they all have three common qualities that we believe are critical:

1. Experience

1,174 real estate agents have sold a home in West San Jose over the last three years. The typical agent has averaged 18 sales over that time frame, whereas the top-producing agents have averaged 54.

2. Low dual agency

The best West San Jose realtors have only represented both seller and buyer in the same transaction 2% of the time, in contrast to 28.999999999999996% for other top-selling real estate agents.

3. Top rated

The agents listed above boast an average of 200 reviews with a stellar 4.93 rating, ranking them among West San Jose’s top-rated real estate professionals.

Choosing an agent who possesses these qualities is important –– but it’s critical that you do your homework to identify a West San Jose realtor who is a good fit for you.

Questions to ask a West San Jose realtor before hiring them

Here are three of the best questions to ask when interviewing prospective West San Jose real estate agents.

  1. What's your marketing strategy?
  2. How did you arrive at your suggested list price?
  3. Will you let me cancel the listing agreement at any time?

If they can’t answer the first two questions clearly and concisely, or if the answer to the third question is, “no,” then you should end the meeting early.

And if you want more suggestions, here is a list of the best questions to ask a realtor when selling .

Finding a realtor (and hiring one!) is a major decision. Ask good questions, interview multiple professionals, and take your time during the evaluation process to ensure you find the right agent for you.

Understanding West San Jose's real estate market

Being aware of recent market activity can help you select the right agent by ensuring they possess the same knowledge. Below are some current trends in the West San Jose real estate market:

Median Selling Price Learn more
Sep 2024 $1,900,000
Sep 2023 $1,575,000
% +21%
Days to Sell Learn more
Sep 2024 35 Days
Sep 2023 35 Days
+/- Days 0 Days
List Price vs. Selling Price
31 properties were sold above the list price
15 properties were sold under the list price
2 properties were sold at the list price
Key takeaway

65% of properties sold above the asking price last month. If you’re selling a property in West San Jose, working with a top agent can put you in a great position to sell fast and for top dollar.

FAQs about finding a West San Jose real estate agent

Here are some of the most common questions from buyers and sellers searching for a real estate agent in West San Jose.

What’s the difference between a real estate agent in West San Jose and a Realtor?

When should I contact a West San Jose Realtor?

Why does picking the right listing agent in West San Jose matter?

How many prospective West San Jose agents should I interview?

How do I know SoldNest has the best real estate agents near me?

How can I use SoldNest to find the best West San Jose real estate agent?